Ben Murray Bruce- Sen Ben Murray-Bruce Common Sense 63
We listened to our friend "Ben" Last Night in his periodic talk "I just want make common sense"
How can a man earning ₦18,000 minimum wage survive when a bag of rice is ₦20,000? Watch this Commonsense video.
Many have different opinion of this faithful Nigerian. Yes we agree, over the years, Nigerian Politicians have proven to like the nation and in turn failed us, but what we salute about this patriotic young man is his commitment to diagnose and provide alternate solutions for the nation. The truth is, blaming Nigeria or its government isn't taking us anywhere. We are the democracy of the nation, our voice can make the difference. We need you to watch this video and more on his website without a based mind and I promise you'll thank us later. We're not promoting anyone, we are only enjoying his "common sense". Watch Ben Murray Bruce on the price of bag to minimum wage
Let's emulate this patriotic Nigerian, be concerned about what is going on around, provide alternate solutions or suggestions. Select any of your mobile gadget, video yourself and send to us via whatsapp on 08023782509 or email youtube link to or better still with the hashtag #selfietalk on social media. We'll try our possible best to brand and share your video, given you all the credits and backlinks you deserve
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